Digital literacy. This is a term that gets thrown around a lot these days, however, what does it really mean? Does it mean that you have a good understanding of website design or does it mean you understand WWW is no longer necessary in a URL? In reality, the answer is both. Not only does the term digital literacy relate to one’s current level of technological understanding, but it also relates to one’s capacity to learn new technical skills. For this reason, teachers must teach both current tech but also future methods and strategies in order to prepare children for this ever-changing world. Thankfully for teachers, kids are quick learners when it comes to tech. Often times it will be the students who become the instructors, showing their chalkboard preferring instructors how to properly buffer a Youtube video.
Personally, I do wonder what place tech has in the classroom. Sometimes it almost feels like modern tech makes things too easy, taking away the joy of tasks. Take art for instance. One can easily see that creating something using real things like paper and pencil is better than drawing on Microsoft paint. The tactile nature of real things is something that in my opinion can not be replicated. To me, it almost feels like kids are being cheated by modern-day tech. They are being taught that things are disposable, easily replaceable, and readily available. Although this may be the case, I feel that there is inherent value in placing worth one’s possessions. For me at least, having things I worked hard to get means I take pride in having them. I worry that this feeling may be lost on future children.
This said I believe digital literacy is important. The world we live in demands students to have a certain level of digital competence and as educators, it is our job to prepare students for the real world. I hope to encourage this in my students to get them ready for whatever sort of world lies ahead.
Digital Literacy Fundamentals. n.d. Retreved from
What is digital literacy and why does it matter?. n.d. Retreved from
What is digital literacy?. n.d. Retreved from
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