Standard 5
Educators implement effective planning, instruction, assessment and reporting practices to create respectful, inclusive environments for student learning and development.
For me, I believe that a balance between formative and summative assessment is necessary for student success. In assessing we as educators should be constantly looking to see where our students are at, and where they need to be. Along with this we should be aware of where our class sits in terms of its abilities and provide additional time on a subject that students are having problems understanding. If learning can be project-based, then I say the educator should try to take this angle and assess formatively throughout the process (as this is the best way to teach in my opinion).
I think that summative assessment should come when students are ready for it. Time should be given so that students who make an honest effort to learn the material have enough time to learn it adequately even if they struggle with the topic. In this framework, the teacher should leave room for some students to extend if they want to push themselves. For me, I do not so much care about the amount of work that a student is able to complete, rather, I am looking for the students ability to demonstrate the concept that I am teaching. Given this fact, I see it as important to meet students where they are at and summarily assess their ability to demonstrate ideas rather than complete specific quantities of work.
Within this framework, I believe that students need to be able to work on differentiated material without judgment. If one student is doing harder spelling words than another it does not matter as both students are doing their best to internalize the learning that they are involved in. To help ensure this I will be quick to stop students from lording their work over one another. I will make it clear that although it is alright to be proud of your achievements, you should not lord them over others.
I think standard 5 is important and I will do the best I can to reinforce it whenever possible. Although it might be difficult to live up always live up to the high expectations of this standard I will do my best. I expect my students to do their best and in turn, I will do my best for them.
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