Standard 8
Educators contribute to the profession.
While in the schools I saw educators contributing to the profession in a variety of ways. One of the most common ways was by talking to one another in the staff room and discussing issues/successes they observed in their classroom. Through this process, teachers were able to learn from one another and gain a better idea of what was happening in their school. Talking was also great for sharing ideas and receiving feedback on those ideas. It is more than likely that the idea I am thinking of doing has been done by someone else already. If this is the case, I might be able to gain valuable insights from that other teacher. What worked? What did not? Is there a better way to achieve this learning intention entirely? If so what is it and how can I best do it.
While in the schools I also saw how willing teachers were to share resources with one another. Be it a science experiment or an electric motor model, teachers are willing to loan or give away a surprising array of different educational materials to members of their school community. When I have established myself I plan on paying it forward as much as I can in this regard. Although it might now always be easy to take the time to share, it is important. As a school community/ educational community we need to support each other the best we can. It is important to remember that supporting colleagues does not only help make their lives better, it also improves the education of the students they are working with. For this reason alone it is vital that we as teachers do our best to help each other.
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